Wheelchairs, scooters & mobility aids

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Wheelchairs, scooters & mobility aids
– March 2025

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Active Mobility Centre 174 Bellasis Avenue, Billingham TS23 1EY. Tel 01642 805050
Email enq@activemobility.co.uk
Website https://www.activemobility.co.uk


Wheel Freedom Unit 61, Barwell Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Wandsworth, Chessington KT9 2NY. Tel 0800 025 8005
Email info@wheelfreedom.com
Website https://www.wheelfreedom.com
Accessible. Accessible with a ramp and disabled parking is available for people who wish to shop for mobility aids Dogs welcome


Harrogate Wheelchair Hire 34c Leeds Road, Harrogate HG2 8BQ. Tel 01423 526737 / 07375 446209
Email enquiries@localwheelchairhire.co.uk
Website https://localwheelchairhire.co.uk/thirsk-wheelchair-hire


British Red Cross Society Carrick House, Northallerton DL6 2NA. Tel 01609 772186
Website http://www.redcross.org.uk/where-we-work/in-the-uk/northern-england/yorkshire
Md Mobility Applegarth, 220A High Street, Northallerton DL7 8LU. Tel 01609 776484
Email mdmobility1@aol.com
Website https://www.mdmobility.co.uk
Accessible. Car park outside the shop. Dogs welcome
Northallerton Mobility Ltd (Shopmobility), 7 Central Arcade, Northallerton DL7 8PY. Tel 01609 714006


Active Mobility 4-6 Falsgrave Road, Scarborough YO12 5AT. Tel 01723 355122
Email enq@activemobility.co.uk
Website http://www.activemobility.co.uk
Children welcome. Accessible. Dogs welcome with conditions.


Community Works Re-use store 61 Market Place, Thirsk YO7 1EY. Tel 01845 524494
Email info@communityworks.uk
Website https://www.communityworks.uk/community-works-re-use-store


Whitby, Scarb. & Ryedale DAG Church House Centre, Flowergate/Windsor Terrace, Flowergate, Whitby YO21 3BA. Tel 01947 821001
Email info@whitbydag.org.uk
Website http://www.whitbydag.org.uk
Accessible. The fire doors do not open automatically.in Church House. Ramps, steps,, lifts & automatic doors at Whitby Library. Dogs welcome with conditions.


York Shopmobility Piccadilly Car Park, 2nd floor, York YO1 9NX. Tel 01904 679222
Email enquiries@shopmobilityyork.org.uk
Website https://www.shopmobilityyork.org.uk