Thirsk Yarnbombers

Thirsk Yarnbombers – March 2025
These creations celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 70th Jubilee 2022

from the Tour de Yorkshire 2016 to the Queen's Jubilee 2022

It all began at the end of 2015 when we found out that the Tour de Yorkshire was coming through Thirsk and word spread round the town.
The Thirsk Knitters began and within a week and the small group expanded to over 100 to ‘make a few flags’ to hang around the town. The ideas became much more imaginative and over 300 were involved knitting and crocheting. A week before the race, on a cold night (3°C at 2am) the Thirsk Yarnbombers donned dark clothing, balaclavas, and masks and ‘bombed’ the whole of the town. Within hours word had got round and in the early morning people were in the town taking photos and chatting, and all with big smiles on their faces.

Since then there's been no stopping them. They have decorated a carriage on a Grand Central train, been on a stand at the Great Yorkshire Show, and ‘bombed’ an articulated lorry and a tractor, to mention just a few. Thirsk Market Place has been decorated several times more including a celebration of 100 years since the birth of Alf Wight, known worldwide as James Herriot the author of All Creatures Great and Small and other stories about his life as a country vet in Thirsk.
Possibly their most moving work was for Remembrance Sunday in 2016 when more than 35,000 red poppies were made and stitched onto yards and yards of army camouflage netting which was then draped along the walls of all four churches in Thirsk & Sowerby. The poppies also hung down on clear netting like a waterfall from the top of St Mary's Church. Some of the poppies were made by people who’d heard about the need for them but intially didn’t even know where Thirsk was! Some were knitted on a beach in Normandy, others in Australia and then brought back to Thirsk.

And now, in June 2022, the Thirsk Yarnbombers have made this wonderful display to celebrate our Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We all hope you enjoy it!

The knitting group relies on donations and support from local businesses. This leaflet is for sale and helps run this Tourist Office, which is manned by volunteers.
See more of their escapades at